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Caution! Snake Might Be Hiding In Your House.

A snake might be hiding in your house! Kenya and most east African countries are experiencing extreme heat. This is not good news for snakes and other reptiles, which lack the ability to regulate their body temperature.

Safety management officers are urging people to observe extra caution as high temperatures increase the possibility of the snakes slithering into your room.

Don’t take it lightly if you see a long lump under your bed, bedsheet, cupboards or corners of your house. It could be a snake or reptile hiding there in search of a cooler environment.

How Can You Prevent Snakes From Invading Your Home?

According to the safety management officer, you should ensure the windows are not left open for too long. Snakes such as cobras have the ability to reach heights and thus can enter your house through open windows.

Additionally, people are urged to close their front doors, especially in the evening, to prevent snakes from slithering silently into their houses.

Always take caution when taking shade under the tree. Ensure you look up at the branches because some snakes could be lurking on the branches, thus likely to fall on you while sitting under a tree.

Tree Shade

Before going to bed, be sure to keenly check under your bed, your bedsheets as well as your surroundings. Snakes tend to hide in such places.

The safety management officer also urges people, especially those living in rural areas, to clear bushes around the house. Having bushes in your homestead can attract snake prey such as mice and rats.

During the season of extreme temperatures, people are advised to avoid taking naps on their sleeping bags or mattresses outside their houses because they can be attacked by snakes which are usually effective night hunters.

There are also snake repellants that can help keep snakes from encroaching on your home. Be sure to stock enough snake-repellant powders and pour them in yards and around your home.

Other natural ways of keeping snakes away include burning tyres around your fence and pouring cow dung around your homestead.

What To Do When Confronting a Snake

Some snakes are very poisonous, resulting in deaths within minutes. Safety officer warns the public to be very careful when confronting a snake that has invaded their house.

Snakes such as cobras and black mambas are very aggressive and likely to attack you if threatened. Seek help from a friend or neighbour when confronting a snake to help increase your chances of killing the viper and reduce the chances of being bitten.

Be sure to check all areas of your room carefully, as there might be another snake hiding elsewhere.

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